Monday, June 3, 2019

All the Presidents and One Queen

 One Queen to invite them all, 
one Queen to dine them,
One Queen to bring them all 
and in the palace bind them.
Sorta. Kinda
Almost but not quite
You get the idea.

With sincerest apologies to JRR Tolkien

Here's a lovely look at many of our presidents when 
they were invited to dine with the Queen at  Buck House.

Harry and Liz

Liz, Ike, Mamie, and Phil

Phil, Jackie, Liz, and Jack

Dick and Liz

Liz and Jerry - 
I just love this shot. Total movie musical

Liz, Phil, Queen Mum, and Jimmy

Phil, Nancy, Liz, and Ronnie

Phil, Barb, Liz, and George

Bill and Liz

Phil, Laura, Liz, and Dubya

Liz, Barry, Michelle, and Phil

You'd think, at the very least,  POTUS could manage to get the rental tailored. 
Sure doesn't look like a young, vibrant man to me.
Or anyone else, I'm guessing. 

What is wrong with this picture goes far beyond the guy's ability to show up looking like he cared. I think a pressed t-shirt would've been nicer. As my mother would've said, "He's a schlub." Between the ill-fitting waistcoat and pants, paired with the scowl, you'd think this is one very unhappy camper. . .or a seriously pissed off maître'd. Take your pick. 

And I can see why. No one gave him any medals or ribbons to pin on his coat, no sash, not even a runner's up tiara. No, he doesn't have any bling at all.

Shall we all make book on how long before he gives himself a medal?

The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
Wednesday at sundown marks the start of Grandpa Moishe's 40th yahrzeit.
He wasn't just my grandpa, he was my dad's best friend.
And my gin teacher. 
Ziggy would warn you against ever playing with either of us
 His memory is truly a blessing. 


  1. Maybe it is his diet. If I were him I wouldn't be able to sleep for all the evil I have done. Add the poor diet... all of his clothing looks awful on him. I always think of Jackie Gleason (a large man) whose tailor made him took good even though he was overweight. Why does his wife always have that jacket over her shoulders is another question. The schlub comment made me laugh.

  2. Donald doesn't have the time nor patience to have a tailor fit him. He's too busy watching the telly and tweeting so he can tell the world about Bette Midler, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Shumer (like anyone outside his little mind care).
