Most of all, I am just relieved SELMA did not take best picture. The more I listen to the director, Ava DuVernay, talk about her "process," the more I just want to yank that film off the screen. And it is intentionally revisionist. Kinda like Brian Williams but in CinemaScope. Meanwhile, the newly re-jiggered NYT Sunday Mag TALK page ran an interview with her, unbelievably titled, Ava DuVernay Didn’t See the Reaction to ‘Selma’ Coming. Yeah, right. My bogometer went off the scale on that one. Really? Does all of America look that stupid? Well, that's an unfair her, We, the People, did. I still think that was a cryin' shame; the reality was so much better.
In news closer to home, that megalith to consumerism, Mall of America, right here in Minnesota, has been fingered by al Shebaab as a potential terror target. I can't say I'm very surprised about this. We have the largest Somali community in the U.S., and that community is prime recruiting ground for al Shabab, along with al-Qaeda, ISIS, and a variety of other terror organizations. The truly sad part is remembering the suffering these families endured to get here, and then to see their kids being plucked up by the raging crazies is heartbreaking.
And while Homeland Security tells us al Shabaab is really on a fishing expedition and there is no credible threat to Hugedale, it's still unsettling. It's the mall closest to my house, and everyone I know shops there. It's all over the news. It's everywhere you look. Be very afraid....they are coming to the mall.
Y'know, in Israel, people worry about getting on the bus but they do it anyway. In Afghanistan and Iraq, people worshipping in mosques run the same risk. People working in Parisian offices and Danish bookstores know the risks are real. Still, they all go about their daily lives, doing what needs to be done without some paralyzing fear that something may happen.
That fear, that paralysis, is the terror in terrorism. And, that terror is the same thing that freezes you in your movie seat when The Blob slithers down the road or The Thing emerges from the ice, or Godzilla comes out of the water. It's the same thing...only when the movie is over you go out, get an ice cream or burger, then laugh about how you were scared. Right now, however, they're trying to scare you so badly you won't go anywhere.
In these here United States, that terror is broadcast through the endless news cycle. We hear the alarmists constantly saying we are under threat, we should clamp down on this, that, or the other thing. We should be afraid. We should fear immigrants and the "other." You never know who is sitting beside you on the bus. Guys like Rudolph Giuliani, once heralded for marshaling through 9/11 tells people to fear President Obama:
What exactly is he insinuating with that little sound bite?
Granted, Rudy is yesterday's news and is desperate for attention, but this is asinine. Even the GOP Not-Ready-For Prime-Time-Candidates are distancing themselves from this stupidity.
Truth is, it doesn't matter.
The terror cycle is already primed for this level of idiocy. Just wait until there are Democratic candidates and watch the vitriolic bullshit fly. And it will. And it will have no relationship to the truth. And it will go back and forth from both sides. And it will be classic l'shon ha'rah, evil tongue, of the worst order, and instead of educating the electorate to the choices they will face in the voting booth, this will inspire domestic terror.
How? People won't vote.
The new face of domestic terror will be the endless news cycle of politicians saying terrible things about each other. I really believe the desired end result is that so many people become so disgusted with the process that they abrogate their civic duty and stay home. If enough people stay away from the polling places, the money wins. And if the money wins....kiss your civil rights, your civic rights, and your human rights good-bye.
Think about that for a while. Eventually, it will make sense and you can re-read this blog episode in 18 months and go, "Wow; the old WP really nailed that one."
And while Homeland Security tells us al Shabaab is really on a fishing expedition and there is no credible threat to Hugedale, it's still unsettling. It's the mall closest to my house, and everyone I know shops there. It's all over the news. It's everywhere you look. Be very afraid....they are coming to the mall.
Y'know, in Israel, people worry about getting on the bus but they do it anyway. In Afghanistan and Iraq, people worshipping in mosques run the same risk. People working in Parisian offices and Danish bookstores know the risks are real. Still, they all go about their daily lives, doing what needs to be done without some paralyzing fear that something may happen.
That fear, that paralysis, is the terror in terrorism. And, that terror is the same thing that freezes you in your movie seat when The Blob slithers down the road or The Thing emerges from the ice, or Godzilla comes out of the water. It's the same thing...only when the movie is over you go out, get an ice cream or burger, then laugh about how you were scared. Right now, however, they're trying to scare you so badly you won't go anywhere.
In these here United States, that terror is broadcast through the endless news cycle. We hear the alarmists constantly saying we are under threat, we should clamp down on this, that, or the other thing. We should be afraid. We should fear immigrants and the "other." You never know who is sitting beside you on the bus. Guys like Rudolph Giuliani, once heralded for marshaling through 9/11 tells people to fear President Obama:
I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country. This week at a dinner for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker at 21 in New York City
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Rudy Giuliani we don't like to admit he lived around the corner on Pine Court. |
Granted, Rudy is yesterday's news and is desperate for attention, but this is asinine. Even the GOP Not-Ready-For Prime-Time-Candidates are distancing themselves from this stupidity.
Truth is, it doesn't matter.
The terror cycle is already primed for this level of idiocy. Just wait until there are Democratic candidates and watch the vitriolic bullshit fly. And it will. And it will have no relationship to the truth. And it will go back and forth from both sides. And it will be classic l'shon ha'rah, evil tongue, of the worst order, and instead of educating the electorate to the choices they will face in the voting booth, this will inspire domestic terror.
How? People won't vote.
The new face of domestic terror will be the endless news cycle of politicians saying terrible things about each other. I really believe the desired end result is that so many people become so disgusted with the process that they abrogate their civic duty and stay home. If enough people stay away from the polling places, the money wins. And if the money wins....kiss your civil rights, your civic rights, and your human rights good-bye.
Think about that for a while. Eventually, it will make sense and you can re-read this blog episode in 18 months and go, "Wow; the old WP really nailed that one."
The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
Don't watch the news before you go to bed.
You'll sleep better without visions of hand-grenades dancing in your head.