This is the 520th published episode of The Wifely Person Speaks.
What I really want to do is take the next month off.
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The more news I read, the more I think I'm living in some sort of dystopian parallel universe where people just lie around, never worrying about anyone other than themselves while believing that all leaders are good and know everything there is to know about what is good for the little people. Just keep the screen on, the soda cup filled, and the popcorn coming. Brains are optional.
In the course of last week, it came to light that the Russians appear to have been paying a bounty on coalition member troops. Not only does it appear US intelligence knew about this, it is unclear whether or not Feckless Leader and his cabal had been informed. Pence et al say no, but interestingly, Military Times says otherwise:
In early 2020, members of the elite Naval Special Warfare Development Group, known to the public as SEAL Team Six, raided a Taliban outpost and recovered roughly $500,000. The recovered funds further solidified the suspicions of the American intelligence community that the Russians had offered money to Taliban militants and linked associations. One official said the administration discussed several potential responses, but the White House has yet to authorize any step.
The intelligence officials told the AP that Trump was briefed on the bounty matter earlier this year; Trump denied that, tweeting Sunday neither he nor Vice President Mike Pence had been briefed. Trump tweeted Sunday night he was just told intelligence officials didn’t report the information to him because they didn’t find it credible.
Clearly, lots of other people found it credible. But then again, it's a pretty well-established fact that if you're working in the White House these days, it's a pretty safe bet you have no intelligence to speak of. If you did, you would not be working in the White House, would you? Either way, someone in the administration knew the Taliban was being paid by the Russians to kill coalition forces while Feckless Leader is kissing Putin's ass. And this is okay because..............?
Let's play a game. It's one of my favorites: What if Obama Did This?
This isn't about Putin, or Russia, or the Taliban. This is about re-election. This is all staged, it's all plotted out, and it's all out there to get half the country angry. Angry isn't a useful political tool, which is why the saying goes, Revenge is a dish best served cold. This is about distraction. And there's a great word for that PROPAGANDA.
So, let's talk about propaganda. We used to know all about Communist propaganda and Soviet propaganda, and even Nazi propaganda. We, the People, have lost sight of the meaning of propaganda and its purpose. From Merriam Webster:
1. capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions2. the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person3. ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause
We can eliminate definition #1 since we're not talking about the curia here. Numbers 2 and 3 are just fine. Both intimate lying is involved.
Did you know the Nazi party used the idea of Divide And Conquer as the baseline for propaganda? The idea was if you could divide a group into arguing factions, the takeover of the entire group was easier. The Soviets used the same technique, as did the Chinese. Once the takeover part was done, homogenization would begin. Get everyone on the same page. Deal with dissidents by separating them out of the whole.
Look no further than Feckless Leader and his never-ending stream of bullshit about vote-by-mail to see propaganda-in-action. That his stream of bullshit is just that, and doesn't matter what he says. He doesn't have to tell the truth; his aim, as orchestrated by the racist cabal around him, only requires that he spew enough bullshit to get people mad about it. THERE'S the division. Now, let's drive the wedge right into the middle, exploit the split, and divide the nation.
This is how the election will fall. That orange orang is laying the groundwork now in his tweets about how the November election is already unfair. He's showing his hand and if you cannot see what's in it, you need to pull you head outta wherever it is.
Pit race against race, religion against religion, prejudice against prejudice. Divide and conquer! We must not let that happen here.
Wake up and smell the fascists, people.
I would want to take some time off, but I'm terrified if I do, I'll never come back to this and that fat fuck will have won another round of "silence the opposition," and that would not be good.
The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Sun Tzu , 5th century BCE