I suppose I could also talk about Ukraine. I have a very close friend who is Ukrainian, and as much as I love her, she has been a longtime supporter of President Felon. I texted with her the other day; that position has changed.
The disgusting show in the oval office last week makes me wonder about who or what is running our government. Clearly, Putin must be calling some of the shots, because I don’t think either the felon or the vice felon have the smarts to do it. You have to look at the gathering of European heads of state and support of Volodymyr Zelensky and realize that we have entered a new isolationist phase, which probably doesn’t serve us very well.
And as long as I’m wandering down a path of odd thoughts, I can’t forget that Zelensky is a Jew. All things considered, JD Bedbug hates Jews. I can only surmise that the fact that he is literally war hero plus he comes from a holocaust family does not sit well with the bedbug.
As President Felon continues to sell out other minorities and marginalized groups, it won’t be too long before he sells us out as well. I don’t believe for one New York minute that this guy has the good and welfare of the United States at heart; what he cares about and what his vice president cares about and what his henchman muskrat cares about is lining their own pockets.
But this blog ain’t gonna write itself, much as I’d like to kick back and watch television, there are things to be said.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…the same day President Felon was excoriating and attempting to humiliate the President of Ukraine, Secretary of Defense Hegseth ordered US Cyber Command to cease all planning against Russia, including offensive digital actions. Suddenly, Russia is no longer a cyber threat? Really? Why is that and how did it happen?
Not bloody likely.
Now, President Felon has ordered all military aid to Ukraine to stop.
Authoritarian regimes.
We stand at the edge of a precipice. Every one of We, the People must decide if we will be silent and complicit, or if we will join others to take a stand. I have no idea which way America’s gonna go, but this is our moment not to be 1930s Germans. History will, if we do nothing, judge us far more harshly than our 20th century role models. It may not begin with the Jews this time, but the LBGTQ+ and POC communities are already losing federal jobs because of their sexuality and/or color. Black 4-star general Charles Q. Brown was fired as head of the Joints Chiefs of Staff and replaced with a retired, white 3-star Lt. General Dan Caine. Maybe Latinos will all be swept up next, or south Asians, and then the Jews. Hard to say. Folks, the wheels are already in motion.
“Oh, no!” you say? Oh, yes; you just haven’t noticed it yet.