Monday, February 4, 2019

Late Term Abortion: The Decision From Hell

I watched Feckless Leader's interview on FACE THE NATION on Sunday. 

I used to think it really didn't matter who was president, that our system of checks and balances would ultimately take care of the bad stuff. 

But this morning, while getting ready for work, I heard another part of that interview  that had not been broadcast on Sunday, where this imbecile was talking about late-term abortion and I had to fight back barfing right in the middle of my closet.  He said,
The only thing I've done is created, maybe, the best economy we've had in the history of our country.  And the only way they can win- I look at these folks with the horrible situation right now on abortion, where they're saying late term- they're not even talking about late term. They're talking about the baby is born and they can kill this child, this innocent child. What they're doing on abortion, what they're doing on high taxes, what they're doing at the border, what they're doing in so many different ways.
This foul, evil, stupid, misogynistic bastard had the gall to say that as if it were true? How stupid is this man? 

A late term abortion is relatively rare. Less than 1.5% of abortions are late term, and those almost always happen when the foetus is INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB. This does not mean this kid isn't perfect. This means the baby cannot survive in the world. Late term abortions happen when there is no hope. 

No woman should be a forced incubator for a dead or dying baby. 

That foetus should not be a pin cushion or revived or otherwise used for experimentation of any kind. The baby's condition must be recognized for what it is and not what the GOP wants it to be. And therein lines the second part of real issue with this. 

A baby who is INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB has the right to die with tender, palliative care.

Someone resuscitated my friend's baby when she was born with severe medical malformations that made it abundantly clear her condition at birth was INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB. A nurse defied the DNR and resuscitated that baby when everyone... doctors, parents, ethicists, rabbis... had all decided the truly kind thing to do was to let her go. In peace. In warmth. With love. Instead a two year nightmare for that child and her family ensued. 

This wasn't a stranger; this was my friend and I saw up close and personal how it played out.

Ultimately, this is what a late term abortion is about. Not about not wanting a baby, but about not wanting a baby who cannot survive in the world to suffer needlessly. No one takes this lightly or without deep, serious thought. When faced with a late term abortion, hearts are broken all around. For the sake of the baby. For the sake of the parents. For the sake of the siblings and grand parents. No one tangentially tied to that situation goes unscathed. 

And that imbecile says it's about doctors' ability to kill the baby. Is he out of his fucking mind?

One can only wonder if knowing what little brain function her son would have that made him INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB, would Mrs. Trump have aborted him? Too bad she didn't have the choice. 

The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
Wait for the Mueller Report.
That's gonna be good. 


  1. A former co-worker of mine was told when she was about six months along, that the baby she was carried had died in the womb. The doctors could not find a heartbeat or any other sign that the baby was viable. She was willing to abort the baby after consulting with her doctor and husband, but her brother, a Catholic priest, and her immediate family insisted she carry the dead baby to term. The birth, as expected, was a stillbirth. My colleague was mentally prepared for that. What she was not prepared for was spending every day for three more months as a walking tomb, knowing what was inside her was dead. It look her years of therapy to deal with the psychological pain.

  2. I agree with your post completely! But the Commander of Carnage will bring out graphic descriptions of a butchered late term baby in tonight's SOTU in order to remind his base that "Democrats are evil people."
