The Coward-In-Chief of the Country blew town to go golfing at his personal, private club:
I mean, why would he stay in the nation's capital when a half a million people were blowing into town to demand the government actually do something?
CongressClowns....take a good look at this picture. It's just what you asked for: here are all those thoughts and prayers come to tell you that you work for them.
Over 800,000 protesters in DC. 845 support marches took place not just in the US, but around the world. 150,000 marchers in New York City, 20,000 in St. Paul. More in Paris, London, Tel Aviv, Milan, Geneva, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Nairobi, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney...shall I go on? The numbers are still coming in, but it's safe to say well over 1,000,000 marchers came together with one mind to demand sane gun laws in the United states.
While I realize this all happened after the mass murder in an affluent community, the survivors made sure March For Our Lives wasn't just about the dead at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High. This was about all children's lives cut short by gun violence. MSDH might have been the catalyst, but it is neither the focus nor the end game of this activism. 9-year old Yolanda Renee King, invoked her grandfather's spirit when she said,
"My grandfather had a dream that his four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream that enough is enough, and that this should be a gun-free world, period."
Honestly, I don't expect anything to happen right this minute with this sitting Congress. And I don't think there will ever be a gun-free world. But I believe the seeds we tried so hard to sow in the 70s, the ones we hoped would produce another generation of warriors for the common good, may have finally spouted. My generation protested and marched in opposition to the Vietnam War, the draft, and Richard M. Nixon. We forced change to happen sooner, rather than later. Even if we didn't get everything we wanted, we set a precedent, one that has not really been equalled since the 70s. We proved youth that refuses to be silent cannot be silenced.
This weekend, as the kids from Parkland fanned out across the country and even the world to stand with protesters in other places, we saw the beginnings of a new movement. Voter registration tables were crowded, and teenagers boldly confronted the reality that they would have a voice in the midterm elections, and that voice was amplified with a voter registration card. Social media is a powerful tool in the hands of this expert force and to date, they are burning up the net with new programming and plans for getting the message out. If they continue to pick up steam, they will be a powerful force with which to be reckoned come November.
It's about time.
We may have a chicken-shit draft-dodger for a president and a congress whose soul concern is selling their souls to the NRA to get re-elected, but We, the People, have something better. We have youth who can and will vote. They are smart, savvy, understand memes, fake-news, and media manipulation. They know bullshit when they see it, read it, smell it, and hear it. And they are tired of bullshit. Plus, they are so much better at mass communication than we ever were with our mimeographs and ditto-masters.
Welcome to the revolution, kids!
Do let us know what we old-timers can do to help you.
The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
Support the movement, but this is not our show.
If asked to help, support, don't instruct or dominate.