Monday, August 16, 2021

Manscaping, Mansplaining...Apparently Not.

I learned a new word this week: manscaping.

When I first heard it, I thought it was what men did when they didn’t want to take responsibility for something...kinda like man-escaping. My naive little mind classified it alongside mansplaining. Made sense to me. 

Apparently not. 

This is about waxing and unsightly hair removal for men. Buck Naked Waxing, a gentleman's waxing service in Ventura, California offers a variety of services, including but not limited to:
  • Baseball Wax (bat, balls & dugout), 
  • Dugout Wax (just inside the crack), 
  • Full Monty Wax (butt cheeks & dugout)
I mean, I knew about Brazilians and lady parts, but this???? This was news to me. Thankfully, no one tried to mansplain it to me. 

But, as usual, I digress; I actually want to talk about the news today, oh boy.

Real love beads
Much of my misspent youth was spent protesting a variety of things: bras, the treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union, civil rights for all Americans,  but mostly, the war in Vietnam. Yeah, I still have my love beads...all three strings...and a few other mementoes of those bell-bottomed days gone by. I passionately believed we had no business in Southeast Asia, the US needed not to be fighting a lose/lose war that had nothing to do with the United States. And in the end, when the troops were removed and Saigon fell to Hanoi, I fervently believed the movement had prevailed and we learned our lesson. The chants, the marches, the strikes, the free-press newsletters were the social media of our day. We believed if we were loud enough, we would be heard. If we persisted enough, we could change our country. For a while, we almost believed that we had. Sorta. 

We were the by-blows of World War II and the Holocaust and we were not going to permit another war to go unchallenged. We were too young to protest Korea, but not too young to take on LBJ, Nixon, and Vietnam. We changed the course of history as we stormed the streets and public spaces of America. We were determined to be different, to not allow senseless brutality to take the day. They shot us, we put flowers in their gun barrels. The war ended. The draft ended. We were beginning to elect our own to congress. We were coming of age and we believed we were a force for good, a new wave to upend the status quo.

Apparently not.

When President Bush I began the Gulf War, we, the protest generation, were eerily silent in the streets, Many of us were railing at home, but the protest movement was slow in taking this on. 

President Dubya Bush's foray into the morass of the Middle East after 911 was an exercise in self-aggrandizement run amok. War in Syria and Iraq was pointless, expensive, and did nothing to vindicate Daddy's misspent tax dollars in Gulf War while the real bolt-hole danger zones of Afghanistan and Pakistan were ignored for far too long. And when the US and her allies went into that region, it was clear from the beginning this was not a winnable war. Hell, even the USSR gave up trying to control Afghanistan in 1989, ten years after they invaded the country. What in G-d's name was Bush thinking? What, we were gonna do better than another totalitarian regime? Seriously?

Apparently not. 

When President Obama took out Bin Laden, he should've taken us right the hell outta Afghanistan. If I have any major criticism of his administration it is foreign policy in South Central Asia. We had no business being in there for the long haul. Sure, to break up Al Qaeda, sure. But beyond that, we had no mission there, we had no right to be there, and staying there was an exercise in futility. 

Ziggy was still alive when Obama was elected, which meant he was alive when the US was screwing around the Levant and South Central Asia. If he went nuts with Dubya's first dick-waving extravaganza in Iraq, which he did, he was winding up to make protest signs as Afghanistan was winding up. He would rail at the television, hollering, "DIDN'T YOU LEARN ANYTHING THE FIRST TIME?" 

Apparently not.

I went back to read GOP's statement (which has since been pulled but exists in the archive) on his fabulous Nobel-worthy peace initiatives. Talk about mansplaining! This is the section was not to be believed:


Sure. Like any of this could ever have happened. (I left the links in just in case you want to look deeper into that morass for bull-oney.)

The images in the media were, for me, like watching updated instant replays. I didn't see the plane at Kabul airport, I saw the embassy in Saigon with a helicopter on top. The line, the bodies, the panic...all instant replay of those horrifying scenes from 1975. 46 years ago telescopes into an instant because I was cognizant enough to sit in front of a tiny black-and-white television in my dorm room watching the culmination of all those protests, all those chants, all those signs. And while I was glad to see it was finally coming to a close, my heart, like all the others around me, wept for those betrayed by our government...once again. It wasn't enough we could not live up to any of the promises that were made, we left our allies to face a hostile regime change. The bottom line in Afghanistan is, however, that no outside force can prop up a government indefinitely. 

And yeah, we just did it again. And the same thought ran rampant through my brain as I watched NBC Nightly News followed by PBS Newshour reporting on the abandonment of Kabul. One of the reporters, I'm not sure which one, said the Taliban was going door-to-door in Kabul looking for young girls and unmarried women. 

I wanted to vomit. As should the rest of the world. But it won't.

One might think the more moderate Islamic states would be intimately involved in saving their community from tyranny. That they would have been actively involved with keeping the oppressors at bay, whether they are Chinese, Taliban, or Caliphate. One would think it was in their own best interest to see a free, modern state emerge from the morass that was the last decade in South Central Asia. 

Apparently not.

Once again, the entire Islamic world remains silent in the face of inhuman behavior toward other Muslims, most especially women. As they are silent about Chinese cultural destruction of the Muslim Uyghurs, the Islamic world remains silent on the women of Afghanistan. Would they be silent if it was their mothers, wives, and daughters being abducted? Maybe. I can only guess. 

To be sure, there is a moral imperative that should come into play. The West embraced that moral imperative and attempted to help the Afghan people lay the foundation for the emergence. Not that it worked. In all honesty, we were misguided in the belief that world outrage funneled into humanitarian aid would make a difference. Instead, we gave lots of glimpses into what might be, but no way to do much more than dash dreams. 

Listening to Mitch McConnell and every other Republican blaming President Biden for today's debacle was stunning. Sure, there are things he coulda, woulda, shoulda done differently. He stands by his decision to finish pulling troops out, a deadline set by his predecessor, and as painful as it is, I am on the side that says it was long overdue and needed to be done. This was a yank-the-band-aid kinda moment. But what really got to me is how these assholes were all supporting this war with one side of their mouths while decrying increased government spending with the other. Truth was, it didn't matter what President Biden did or wanted to do: he's a Democrat therefore he is demonized. 

For the record, President Biden doesn't own this debacle, he's just ending it. And as such he takes responsibility for the mess on the ground....something his predecessor would never have done. He would've blamed someone else. As painful as all this is, leaving Afghanistan is necessary. At some point, the Afghans must use the tools provided. At some point, they must take control of their own national destiny. That is not the responsibility of the US.

But have we learned anything from the experience?

Apparently not.

 A wise man named Vizzini once said"

I guess Dubya didn't see the movie. Nor did any of his successors. More's the pity, y'know. The entire government coulda learned something.

The WP's Tip o'the Week

Complacency is the mother of inertia.
Inertia is not your friend.


  1. Thank you, Susan. Wise, wise words.

  2. WP. Good blog as usual. The entire withdrawal is shambolic and doesn’t look good for JB, regardless of the failings of previous administrations. Don’t hold your breath on other Muslims nations stepping up to condemn oppression. When your entire legal system is built on a medieval theocracy, this is what you end up with.

  3. The best and brightest don't go into politics do they? Some one
    should of said," Wait, the Russians got the tar knocked out of them, can we do better?" What a shit storm of incompetency by the deciders.
    Steve Coll wrote "Ghost Wars" all about the debacle leading up to 9/11. A very through analysis of the region and players if you want to know more.Or you can just ask me and i'll mansplain the hell out of it!
