Monday, May 2, 2022

Crossroads...In More Ways Than One

This is a reality check. The blog I was writing just got pushed down a bit, but not to worry, I'll finish what I started

It seems that SCOTUS has "privately" voted to overturn Roe v Wade.

From the NY Times: Leaked Supreme Court Draft Would Overturn Roe v. Wade

I can't say this is much of a surprise. And while I haven't been commenting much since they changed their format, I did submit the following:

Red flag, red herring, call it what you will. This is a full frontal attack on women, modernity, and the belief that this nation is a meritocracy. Clearly, equality is no longer a priority for SCOTUS and possibly Congress as well.

We, the People, managed to elect Donald Trump and kept him in office despite his crimes against the nation. If Congress swings at the midterms, the United States, as we know it, will cease to exist. The nation will split along party lines. It will not be pretty.

The US is the longest lasting _continuous_ democracy in history. No democracy/republic has ever lasted as long as this one. All We, the People, can say is that it was nice while it lasted.
UPDATE: The NYT is now backpedaling. All the comments have disappeared, and now they are saying this is older than what Politico is saying. Regardless, if this document reflects the current court, it must be taken seriously. Not to take it seriously would be at our own peril. 

I cannot imagine why anyone would want to go back to pre-1900 America where epidemics killed millions, women had no civil rights, and People of Color had even fewer rights. How can citizens of this nation stand by and allow a primitive, uneducated, backward band of troglodytes shove approximately 334,000,000 people into the dark ages? Are we so shackled that we cannot even find a voting booth? 

While some are already saying this is a call to arms that must be heeded before November, I believe November will pass with a sigh and a red congress determined to change the insurrection hearings to a Hunter Biden attack campaign, another distraction from the reality that our nation is collapsing. 

That's not hyperbole. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

For the last few months, the number of hits on this blog has tanked. Now, I know Blogger stats have never been overly reliable, but the hits are almost non-existent, and that doesn't match what I know from email and other references. 

When the cookie wars started in Europe, people stopped allowing their personal hit information to be collected. I know I did. I reject almost all cookies. I have no desire for third parties to be tracking anything about me, so I limit it where I can. I ratchet down my own privacy settings accordingly, and encourage others to do the same. At the same time, I know that behavior means I have an even less accurate measure of how many people are reading this blog.

Add to that, I had a significant following in Ukraine because The WP was used in several English classes. I've written about that before, but now, even remaining hits from Ukraine and from Russia have stopped, as have the emails I used to get from readers in that part of the world. 

Were they all real or bots or spam collectors? Not a clue. But I never got much in the way of spam comments. The emails, however, have been great over the years and... except for the occasional death threat... I've answered every single one of them. I've made some interesting friends along the way, and I would not trade the last 11 years and 613 posts for anything.

Yeah. 613 posts, not including this one. And to be perfectly honest, I did not know that was the number until I went to grab the total for this episode.   

Unless you're Jewish and somewhat educated Jewishly, you might not catch the significance of that number. 613 is the number of positive commandments, or mitzvot, contained in the Torah. 248 of them are considered mandatory, while 365 are prohibitive. So 613 is one of those mystical numbers that populate Jewish tradition. 

Here we stand at 613 published episodes. 613 posts that began on July 19th, 2010 with Welcome To My World.  I thought I was writing about being a widow. That lasted a week. You know what they say: my blog, my rules ? But it was that very first tip what was the clue.

Hey! I never said I had any answers, but boy, do I have a lot of questions! And if I have questions, I'm thinking there are a lot of us asking the same thing.

No, I don't have a joke, but I have a tip o'the day:
Keep asking questions even when they tell you not to;
you never know when one will be the _right_ one.

The intent was to never monetize the blog, so I never really advertised it. I used to get a great deal of traffic from The New York Times when I could sign my comments with the blog address, but them days are gone. Those old comments opened the door to MPR, the NYTimes Google Hangouts, and some really cool correspondence with famous op ed writers. 

I am open to suggestions and opinions. Comments attached to the blog are particularly welcome this week, although commenting in general is almost non-existent these days. If you have something to say to me or about the blog, go for it. Or send me an email. You can send it to:

and I will answer you.

I have given myself until July 18th to decide what I'm gonna do about The Wifely Person Speaks. Honestly, I don't know. 

The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
Keep asking questions even when they tell you not to; 
you never know when one will be the _right_ one.

It's still a good tip almost 12 years later.


  1. I read your email every week but usually go to my computer screen after Googling you because it is so much larger than my phone. I agree with you 80% of the time but it is always good to read your blog. As to the NYT, that is how I found out about your blog. I have read the Times every day since 1982, which was not always easy where I lived in the Midwest... but the paper certainly is changing. I think the WSJ is somehow more even keeled, although I would never give them my money, I just check it sometimes. It is worrisome to me that you cannot comment on a lot of articles (it is a good gauge of where the country might be), and the fact that they seem to change the header of the column all the time now. They fill the front page with T, more free bs for him. Also, sometimes I think they have forgotten who they are and try to be 'trendy'. Regardless, we get it delivered every day. They did publish a comment today that I sent them, normally they do not. I hope you have a nice May, I hope somehow the people of Ohio come to their senses today, and I hope the rest of the country remembers what life was like with a Republican president. Take care and all that. - Carol Coffman Brock

  2. Keep being vocal. It's good for you. It's good for us. Keep the faith. We are listening and being encouraged during these dark days.

  3. This is Kathy. I have been corresponding with you on another matter. But I truly hope you will continue writing your blog. I read it faithfully every week. As others have said, I may not always agree (but mostly I do!) but I have learned a lot from your writing, and love your analysis of our crazy world events. Even more, I have learned so much about the Jewish religion and ceremonies, and the plight of Jewish people all around the world. So, thank you for that. It opened my eyes. I hope that your writing is a creative and therapeutic outlet for you, and I hope you realize that many people have and are still appreciating your thoughts and beliefs. It is kind of why I write all these thousands of voter postcards. Even if only 1% of them make a difference in the outcome of an election, that is something, and I will always know I tried. That's what I hope you consider about your blog. I do think your words make a difference. But no matter what you choose, I am glad you did this blog and I will always be more informed and pushed to think about things at a deeper level. So, bravo to you!!! All my best.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I helps to know I'm reaching people because the process happens in a virtual vacuum. Without the feedback in stats, it becomes, I'm afraid, a bit depressing. But the emails I've received the last 24 hours have been lovely. And helpful. And greatly appreciated.


  4. You gotta do you.

  5. Your Request for Feedback

    To Your First Topic – SCOTUS’ Leaked Draft to Repeal Roe
    Words fail me. Disgust. Horror. Revulsion. Heartbreak. I cannot improve upon all the commentary (since the news broke Monday evening) from academicians, legal experts, pro-choice activists, ad infinitum, ad nauseum…so I won’t, except to offer the following personal observations:
    • None of us thought this possible despite SCOTUS’ early warning signs going back decades…especially since 2021. We all read the tea leaves and chose to ignore them.
    • Despite the fact that I am past child-bearing age, I suddenly feel like chattel. I feel as if I am being dragged back into the dark, back-alley-coat-hanger era (your graphic is apt) and ushering in a new, real world, Handmaid’s Tale nightmare.
    • Six individuals get to determine our fate and deny our privacy, freedom, and right to choose. Never mind that 70 percent of “We, the People” want Roe upheld. This is what can happen when minority rule supersedes majority rule.
    • If there’s a silver lining to any of this, perhaps these events will galvanize the voting public into action come November. But, this is a big “IF.”

    To Your Second Topic – Whether You Should Continue to Publish Your Weekly The Wifely Person Speaks Blog
    It appears that I am taking a contrarian view to comments already posted. Regardless of the accuracy (or lack thereof) of Blogger’s analytics, this decision is entirely yours to make. What made sense 613 posts ago is irrelevant. Times and circumstances change. You should do whatever is best for you. If you believe your time is better spent on other endeavors at this stage of your life, so be it.

    Personally, I’d prefer it if you dedicated more time to your fictional creations. But that’s just my own selfishness. I love the three novels you’ve already published and want more of them to see the light of day so that die-hard fans, like me, can enjoy them. Your novels are a perfect antidote to dealing with our world’s current insanity.
