Monday, December 7, 2020

I'm Not A Loser: Coup, Coup, Ca'joup

Over the course of time, several readers have objected to my using the word feckless in describing the theoretically most powerful man on the political planet.  I will address that concern now.

From the Merriam-Webster dictionary

Definition of FECKLESS

Originally, feckless usually preceded the word Leader but more recently it precedes the word Loser for obvious reasons. And frankly, it is the right word to describe the current occupant of the White House. I was so hoping to retire the word in November, but alas, I find it remains part of my daily vocabulary. 

But I may be wrong about Feckless Loser. Feckless Loser has done something no other POTUS has done before him: he has enabled the start of a coup d'etat. In the event that you know the term but are unsure of its exact meaning:
coup d'etat
plural coups d'état or coups d'etat\ ˌkü-​(ˌ)dā-​ˈtä  ˈkü-​(ˌ)dā-​ˌtä -​də-​ \ also coup d'états or coup d'etats

Definition of coup d'état

a sudden decisive exercise of force in politicsespecially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group

Now, this is the thing about a coup d'etat: it is never sudden and it is not always violent. A coup doesn't just  happen. A successful coup is carefully planned with exactitude and precision. The groundwork is often laid well in advance by those who are planning to overthrow a government. There are coups and attempted coups (like the ones of Arab Spring) that were sudden and ultimately failed because once they had control of the government, the overthrowers didn't know what to do or how to run a government. That's not what's happening here.

With Feckless Loser at the helm of this sinking GOP ship, he continues to refuse to concede an election that he lost both in popular and electoral votes. His idiocracy minions are dispatched to throw dust into the eyes of We, the People. The recent performance of Giuliani and that caricature, Mellissa Carone, is not nearly as mystifying as some would like to think. It's intention. It's designed to distract. 

Mellissa Carone reminds me of someone. It took me a while and a few video clips to figure out who, but I did. The look is familiar enough, even with the difference in hair color. The updo and the glasses help. But it was the tenor of the voice. This is a star witness? Really? No one in their right mind would parade this woman in front of a panel of lawmakers as a star witness UNLESS there was some other reason. A distraction? A red herring? An attempt to make We, the People, believe this is some kind of ruse, because no one, after listening to Mellissa Carone, would believe she was doing anything but bad acting. Her claims to be a cyber-security analyst are pretty flimsy. You can check her Facebook or Linked In profiles. Either way, she's nothing more than a distraction, a misdirection.

And what are you being directed away from? Lots of things: dog whistles, pointed silences, and subtle-and-not-so-subtle calls to arms. Or maybe it was that the White House wanted to deflect attention away from their decline to purchase more than 50 million doses of COVID vaccine from Pfizer? 

Shortly after Gabriel Sterling's passionate speech calling for Feckless Loser to stop undermining American democracy, The Great Orange tweeted

70,000,000 people are poised to believe this. That means roughly half of the voting population of this country entertains serious thought that this election is invalid. Of that portion of the voting population, perhaps a quarter of them or roughly 35,000,000 believe it enough to join a movement to overturn this election. 

Add to the number this trivial factoid: just 27 out of 248 Republican legislators have conceded that Joe Biden won the presidential election.

Do you seriously think Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are sitting around doing nothing? 

Hardly. Feckless Loser and his much smarter, much more savvy cabal are lining up their minions for the showdown. This is not a joke, and it's not out on a limb. Every tweet, every rally, every speech is a call to arms.

I am really tired of writing about this stuff, but you, readers, urge me to continue to blow the whistle, sound the horn, and keep calling the emperor naked. I am preaching to the choir. On the other hand, if people keep saying, "this is real, this is a possibility," then perhaps we will be better prepared to fight back. 

I do not know if a coup d'etat will eventually take place. All the signs are there. People who have lived through them in other countries are screaming that this is a warning and we cannot ignore it. We must prepare ourselves for the possibility of civil unrest if not a full blown civil war. 

Make no mistake: the lack of measures to stem the pandemic are NOT unrelated to this. And to that end, we can only hope and pray for evolution in action: the demise of the galactically stupid who refuse to mask up and practice safe socializing.

Meanwhile. continue to follow the rules. Don't think it can't happen to you, and don't think it can't happen here. BOTH can.  You've been apprised.

The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week

Are fruit flies seeming to buzz before your eyes... then disappear?
 Are you turning on more lights than usual?
You may have cataracts.

1 comment:

  1. Yeas, we should call it what it is - an attempted coup by Trump.
