Monday, January 11, 2021

Then Again.....from the middle of the insurrection

The last 4 days have been spent trying to unpack the events of the last week. Lots of readers sent IMs and emails, some calling me Cassandra, others asking how I knew. The better question is why didn't you know?

On November 9th, 2016, a scant 2 days after the election, I posted a special edition: Just So You Know

If minorities are worried, it's for a reason. We've seen this before. 78 years ago today, November 9,1938; there are still living eyewitnesses. It was called Kristallnacht

I can imagine why Jews in Germany were thinking this little Austrian paper hanger would be a flash in the governmental pan. But he wasn't and by the time people figured this out, glass was shattered and the borders were closed...except for the one you could pass through on a train heading into Poland. Jews were denied escape routes. President Roosevelt refused entry to the St. Louis; 908 passengers were turned away from the US, Cuba, and Canada. They were sent back to Europe. Many journeys ended in the gas chambers across Europe. 

That was then and this is now. 

Social media provides instant information. We understand what David Duke means when he twits his "people" got Donald Trump elected and his "people" are taking back America.

So let's be real clear about this: 1930 was then and this is now. Donald Trump may be president, but that's not a license to kill, bully, round-up, or terrify. We, the People will not stand idly by while segments of our population are terrorized by roving gangs of white supremacist miscreants. This is still the United States of America and we still have a Constitution. 

Or do we? Wednesday's insurrection was not about looting the Capitol or stealing Nancy Peolosi's mail; it was a full frontal attack on American democracy and the U.S. Constitution.

This meme was posted on Facebook on January 7th, at 12:53 EST. Let's not talk about how incredibly stupid this is, but for a moment, imagine what would have happened had they not been removed from the chambers. Rounded up? Beaten? Executed? Is that what this person wanted to see? I have to think so. The person that posted this was actively advocating for the murder of our Congress. Regardless of people who claimed the storming of the Capitol was "peaceful," had the mob reached a full chamber, the outcome would have been driven by rage. 

On January 8th, 2:15 PM EST, the same person posted a picture of Ashli Babbitt, the vet who was killed inside the Capitol with the status:

The only thing you need to know is she was a domestic terrorist who betrayed her oath.
No flags, no bugles, no salutes.
Expunge her. I’m embarrassed we wore the same badge 

Followed by a photograph of Brian Sicknick, the USCP officer killed by terrorists, with the status:

Now this is a HERO Air Force veteran. PROUD to say we wore the same badge...

All I could think is, "You have been a meme-posting supporter of 'the overturn the election' cabal since the beginning and now you hail this guy as a hero? You fucking hypocrite."

Oh, all the wind-twisting we are getting now. 

To ALL of you who post those memes and bullshit news stories in the name of humor or news:  Sorry folks, you cannot delete all those posts fast enough. You cannot suddenly expect people of reason to forget that you were cheering the insurrection on. Mitch McConnell cannot apologize his way outta this. Mike Pence breaks with Feckless Loser and we're supposed to believe he wasn't lock step with this traitorous SOB? And Melania? Don't even get me started. 

In your hearts, you are ALL still cheering them on. Nazis are Nazis, racists are racist, seditionists are seditionist even if you change your costume. You were pretty clear about how you felt and what you believed. You actions spoke even louder than your psychobabble. 

Former-body-builder-Conan-the-Barbarian-Republican-Gubernator Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered one of the most powerful warnings to We, the People. Arnold knows about this stuff; he grew up in the aftermath of Nazi Austria. He is the son of a Nazi soldier. He called  Wednesday Crystal Day; I think he was spot on. If you haven't seen it, stop now and watch it. 

Guys like Josh Hawley (R. Missouri,) with their closed-fist salutes are still out there. The guy with the Confederate flag marching through the Rotunda is only one of hundreds like him. They still cherish that flag and the slave-society it represented. They are looking for a return to those glory days. And they are going to continue this insurrection because they believe the great Feckless Fraud will be there on the other side to lead them to some kind of victory. They drink the Kool-Aid and swallow the bullshit because they need to believe they are right about something. Anything. Whatever sound bite deflects them from rational reality and into a world where they can blame someone else for their misfortune. 

Social media has done a great job of normalizing extremist content. Various platforms have provided the space and privacy needed to plan this attack and ones to come. There is a finely honed, well-oiled network that spread this stuff. You would have to be living under a rock to think otherwise. If you can marshal your friends for a kegger via social media, what do you think the pros are able to do? There is no doubt in my mind that we have yet to see the depth of this movement. Equally not in doubt, is the idea that they don't need Feckless to do this. If he dies, he's a martyr. If he lives, he's a puppet. Someone else is jerking those strings. 

Feckless Loser may have hosted the pre-storming rally, but the attack was well planned in advance by others. Feckless said he was going to march with them....but disappeared. Where did he go? Why didn't the kids march with the gang of thugs to storm the Capitol? What were they afraid of? Mob mentality? Or plausible deniability?The rioters knew where to go and how to get there. (That some police helped them is another matter for another day.) None of this was spontaneous. The Steve Bannons and Steve Millers of that movement are smart, crafty, and vicious.

Now, if you were to ask most of the rabble in that mob why they are storming the Capitol, they would be unlikely to provide a cogent answer. They don't want a social state (but mom depends on Medicare and Social Security.) The election was stolen by voting machines from Panama? Nah, even the hand counts lined up. They don't want Obamacare, but ask them how they pay for health care? 

Of course, there are those in the crowd who know exactly what they are doing and why. You see orthodox Jews in that crowd, vocal supporters of Feckless Loser because they believe he is good for Israel. They are a part of the one-trick-pony mob. They have an agenda that is exclusive; not unlike the Rapture-ites. They cannot see they are acting like Brownshirts. They think they are not Nazis, but they are Nazis in this crowd. They are participating in their own version of Kristallnacht and don't even see it. They have forgotten the meaning of Chillul HaShem, desecration of the Holy Name. Don't even bother trying to reason with them. You can't. 

And everyone reading this knows it ain't over. The FBI is already warning of armed "demonstrations" being planned for state capitol buildings in all 50 states. Domestic terrorists have a secondary goal, and that is to terrorize the rest of us. Right now, I'm seeing little on how to prevent that, but maybe one just has to decide not to be terrorized. Maybe think of them as Boggarts with a bad edge. I'm not positive that would work, but making up one's mind not to be scared has to be a part of this. Defy them all....get a vaccine! 

I do want Feckless Loser stripped of his civil list pensions and perks. I don't wanna play one red cent for additional Secret Service detail for him, his creepy wife, or his disgusting children. They profited off the Secret Service while he was in office, and I think that should be charged as restitution of this government. I never would've blinked an eye on the perks had he NOT encouraged the attack on the Capitol. He deserves nothing but the bill for the cleaning and repairs of the building he destroyed. 

And I hope that New York State has enough on this jackass to lock him up for the rest of his unnatural life. 

The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
If you're gonna attend a riot, at least wear a mask. 
Not only will it help keep the spread of COVID down,
it'll hide your face from the cameras, and make you harder to track down.
Didn't think of that, didja?


  1. Well put . More people should read it. They should get angry, raging angry and get rid of trump who is at the Alamo taking credit for that.There is nothing lower than trump on this earth.You descrbed him well.
