Monday, August 5, 2024

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo....Catch a Veep By The Toe


I'm kinda pissed at Kamala at the moment. Selfishly so. She couldn't announce her running mate THIS morning instead of waiting until Tuesday???? I mean, I have a blog to get out and she's gumming up the works!

Nah, just kidding. I'm not pissed at all. In fact, I'm kinda excited about the three apparent finalists, all of which were my first pick guys. Allow me to explain....although by the time most of you read this, it'll be a moot point. 

Governor Walz
Tim Walz, governor of the great Etoile du Nord, is actually a really good governor. He listens. He truly has the good and welfare of this state at heart, and he puts it first and foremost in his actions. Is he perfect?  No. He's human.  Despite ridiculous rumors , he does NOT own a yacht, he is NOT worth $400 million, and he does NOT own a giant lake house in South Dakota or any lake property in Minnesota. He does however, own a second house they use as a rental property. The guy is entitled to a salary of $149,550 as governor, but only accepte $127,629, having declined a cost of living increase. 

You should know he's retired from the National Guard (2005) and is a retired high school teacher and coach. He left teaching to represent Minnesota's 1st district in Congress from 2007-2019, when he became our governor. That he taught high school tells you he already knows how to talk to crowds. He's white haired, but only 60, so while he may look like an old white guy, he's reasonably young for national office. I happen to be a Walz fan. I like the guy. If he gets the nod, great, but I will miss him as our governor. His lieutenant governor is Peggy exceptionally cool person of indigenous origin from White Earth Nation. 

Sen. Mark Kelly
Another guy in the race is Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona. Come on, people, this is another science guy; he's a real life astronaut for G-d's sake! He's flown 4 shuttle missions, 2 as commander. This is a cool cucumber in an emergency....or he wouldn't be running a space mission. His wife, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, was the victim of an assassination attempt. This guy knows about gun control up close and personal. He is a long time supporter of women in the workplace, equal rights, and reproductive rights. How could he not, being married to Rep. Giffords after all? They are a power couple all on their own. 

In a NYTimes piece about him, Tom Zoellner wrote about Senator Kelly:
Cueball-bald and approximately 5-foot-8, with a mild personal bearing and disarming New Jersey accent, he has been called boring by more than one Arizona political observer. You would hardly know you were talking to a combat aviator and astronaut if someone didn’t tell you beforehand. And he might not even bring it up himself.

On the flip side, he is the incumbent senator from Arizona and his presence is needed in that chamber. And here's an interesting aside: if he is Harris's running mate and they win, Doug Emhoff should not remove the mezuzah from the front door of Blair House since Gabby Giffords is Jewish. Cool, huh?

Josh Shapiro
No mezuzah removal for Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro if he gets the nod. My big brother is a Shapiro fan and likes him as their governor. I like him, too. He's another strong feminist with a record of supporting equal rights for all, reproductive rights and sensible gun law. Even with his mixed messaging on school vouchers, I like the guy. He, his wife, and his kids are all products of Jewish day school. He's committed to family shabbat dinners, and while that may not say much to you, it says a lot to me about how he prioritizes family time. That's what family values are supposed to be about... putting one's family first.

Still, I worry. He and his family will have targets on their backs. 

We are in the enviable position of having a deep bench for a running mate. There were some other strong, sensible contenders that, for whatever reason, did not make the final round. It's reassuring to know the good ones didn't run screaming outta D.C. Still, it says something about the depth of the Democratic party that none of them were certifiable, batshit crazies. 

(This does not include batshit crazy RFK Jr. who dumped a dead bear in Central Park. That's a whole 'nother level. Just so we're clear about that.)

And speaking of batshit crazy..... the GOP's greatest gift to Kamala Harris is JD Bedbug. He has done what Feckless could not: he is driving Republican women away from the mayhem. Groups of Republicans for Harris are springing up in a number of locations. Former Rhode Island congresswoman Claudia Schneider who now lives in Colorado is leading efforts to bring disappointed, disenfranchised Republicans into Harris's tent. She is not alone. It might be important to note that no other president, vice president, or candidate for those offices showed up at the GOP convention. That is not normal. Former party leaders are supposed to be there to glad-hand and excite the delegates. If nothing else, that absence of support widens the fissure to chasm proportions. 

There is opportunity here to not just pick up votes, but to move toward a more cooperative congress. To be sure the blowhards will hang on. They will get re-elected, but if we're even remotely lucky, maybe some of the screechers will be gone. Not that I'm holding my breath on that. 

I'm just having a moment of guarded optimism. Like gas, it will pass. We shall see what tomorrow brings. 

The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week

We, the People are gonna lose Jeff Jackson (D-NC) in Congress come January. 
That's a shame because his insights into the business of congress are great.
Click the link and take a moment to watch some of his vlog entries.
You might learn something about how our country actually works.


  1. I like "Pety" but he needs a few more years to really understand the Democrats. Shapiro is perfect but not that perfect."Too Jewish for this country, but I like him. The Astronaute, Kelly is also one of the best, but my choice is on Walz.Seems absolutely perfect, but not sure what he thinks about Israel. One day Pety will be president. I certainly hope so.

    1. If Pete wants to be Prez he should first run for Gov of Indiana and show he can handle a real job. Indiana leans right but had Dem govs as recently as 1988-2002.

  2. WP - Well it’s official - Walz is the pick. However, before you get too excited, here are a few items that may been glossed over. In 2020, he stood by and allowed the 3rd Precinct police station to burn to the ground, along with a 5 mile stretch of Lake Street, where multiple small minority -owned businesses were torched. ( He blamed Frey of course but he is responsible for the National Guard) Post-covid, his administration was responsible for the largest feeding program fraud in the US, whereby multiple bad actors defrauded MN tax payers to the tune of $250m and not one person in his administration has been held accountable. Last but not least , he has wasted an $18bn surplus of tax payers money on multiple programs that have failed to yield results. An example would be education, where despite multiple millions spent, test scores have gone down! Voters in the 1st district where he was seen as a moderate in the past have distanced themselves from his leftward lurch. He may be a folksy Midwest politician, however his record is one of a coastal liberal. The good thing is that he won’t be here to do more damage to this State if elected.

  3. The Blowhards are getting blown up in the Democratic primaries. JBowman and CBush have already been bounced and if the Jews of SLP would get out to vote as a block on Aug 13, they could bounce IOmar. Kein yehi ratzon!
