Monday, July 29, 2024

It's Like That Curse: We Live In Interesting Times

I am not a cat lady. I am a dog lady. But that does not mean I cannot root for all the cat-lady memes flooding the interweb, some of which are seriously funny. But as funny as they are, they come as a way to combat mean, degrading, sexist misogyny coupled with troglodytic thinking. The memes reflect Feckless Felon's pussy-grabbing predilection for pussy-grabbing spousal cheating and JD Bedbug's fierce desire to send all women back to the kitchen pregnant and barefoot. Had those two been on the space tug Nostromo, they would undoubtedly be dead....because they certainly would not have listened to a cat lady.

The reality is that these two buttworms are terrified of women. Any woman with smarts leaves them quaking in their boxer briefs and their only defense is to attempt to marginalize her. Complete banning of abortion is only a first, rather obvious step. Birth control pills are already on some agendas because some prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. And some states are already attempting to prevent access to IVF. It's this macho think about spreading their seed, as if that's gonna make them smarter. 

I mean, Bedbug believes people with children should get more votes that people without children. At an event in 2021, JD Vance told his audience
Let’s give votes to all children in this country, but let’s give control over those votes to the parents of those children. When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power — you should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic — than people who don’t have kids. Let’s face the consequences and the reality: If you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn’t get nearly the same voice. 
Y'know, when you think about that, it is an incredibly cruel statement. Thousands of women conceive and bear children though the miracle of IVF. This Bedbug wants to prevent women from having children at the same time he humiliates them for not having children. That is beyond cruel. That is evil incarnate. 

(Image credit: Mike Luckovich |Copyright 2023 Creators Syndicate)
One might think that as they rail about the importance of the family unit they would be talking about caring
for family taking care of grandma or increasing access to health care, early education, and nutrition for kids. But no. These programs are all on the platform chopping block. Anything that shows any promise of bettering life for We, the People is slated for removal in Project 2025. Defunding NOAA? Yup, that's useful. Appointing political employees to run agencies instead of experienced field professionals? Sure; let's see how many people can die from e-coli outbreaks. Shut down Head Start and give out vouchers for religious and charter schools? What happens to those kids in areas where those schools don't exist and the public schools are barely surviving? Basically, they don't give a damn. Besides, they need an underclass to serve and service them. Right?
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Feckless Felon and JD Bedbug are gonna be taking endless potshots at Kamala Harris. I love the ones crediting her as the mastermind behind all of President Biden's programs. At a rally in Charlotte, NC, on July 24th, oddly enough at Bojangles Coliseum,  Feckless Felon said:
It's been 3 1/2 years. Lying Kamala Harris has been the ultraliberal driving force behind every single Biden catastrophe. She is a radical-left lunatic who will destroy our country if she ever gets the chance to get into office. We're not going to let that happen.
Really? Is Harris calling for the end of democracy? No, that would be you, Feckless Felon.  At a Turning Point Action event in West Palm Beach, Florida last Friday night,  you're the one who shared your vision for a new GOP post-election dystopia:
Christians get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians and I'm a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote.

See, here's the thing: between Project 2025 and Platform 47, he's been pretty clear about where he sees this country heading...with himself as something akin to President-For-Life. This is NOT news. 

Or maybe you don't remember January 6th, 2021. I do.  I still lie awake at night thinking about it. And eleven months ago, I wrote about that nagging fear:

But wanna know what I'm really scared of?
What happens if Feckless gets the nomination and loses? Mull that over for a while. January 6th will look like a dress rehearsal. 
If you're not thinking ahead to January 2025, you should be.  

Meanwhile, back at the White House:

Lame duck that he is, President Biden is also thinking ahead. POTUS wrote an op-ed piece for the Washington Post outlining his ideas for reforms to the Supreme Court. He begins with newest nightmare:

If a future president incites a violent mob to storm the Capitol 

and stop the peaceful transfer of power — like we saw on Jan. 

6, 2021 — there may be no legal consequences.

And that’s only the beginning.

He goes on to call for a No One Is Above the Law Amendment that would overturn the Courts immunity decision, citing that it's too dangerous to leave in place. He also calls for term limits for the justices, stating a system could be put in place which would allow the president to appoint a justice every two years to serve no longer than 18 years on the bench. If every other federal judge is subject to an enforceable code of conduct, the Justices of the Supreme Court should not be exempt. 

A day late and a few dollars short, I'm afraid. That any of this needs to be codified is sad beyond words, but this is the world we live in now. Clarence Thomas has done a fine job of contributing to that decline all by himself, although I am certain he is only one in a long line of abusers. But this needs to be fixed ASAP. SCOTUS should be standing between We, the People and a dictatorship, but lately, they seem to be inclined in that direction. 

I'm glad he wrote the op-ed. I'm not so sure he'll ever see that amendment ratified, but identifying and putting the issues in print is a first step even if it's too late for him to see it through. SCOTUS doesn't need to change so much as it needs to come back to its original purpose. Our three branches of government were designed with the idea of checks and balances for a government for the people and by the people. The Supreme Court is really at the top of that triangle, charged with keeping our politicians and legislatures in check. Right now, however, it's a mockery of its own purpose. SCOTUS has proven itself unable to adhere to the most modest of ethical standards. It is past the time that We, the People demand they put the good and welfare of this nation before their own pockets.

On a different topic altogether, my friend Amy Olson, Hillel director at the University of Rhode Island, visited Israel this month and wrote of her experiences. With her permission, I am sharing a excerpt:

On the 4th of July we spent the entire day in and around various communities along the Gaza border. We visited the site of the Nova Music Festival–now a heart-wrenching memorial to the 360+ people who were massacred there–where we heard from Hila, one of the survivors. We entered the roadside bomb shelter where over thirty people who fled from the Nova Festival crammed inside as Aner Shapiro, 22, stood at the entrance tossing back seven Hamas-thrown grenades. He was killed when the eighth one exploded. Some two dozen others were then shot dead by Hamas terrorists. It was from that shelter that Israeli/American Hersh Goldberg Polin and 5 or 6 others were taken captive. 

With blasts from Gaza echoing in the background, we were given a tour of Kibbutz Kfar Aza by Chen Kotler, one of only 20 residents who has moved back since October 7, when over 60 people were murdered, 19 taken hostage, and where the dwellings of mostly young people lived were rampaged and set on fire. A life-long resident of the kibbutz, which had endured regular rocket fire from Gaza for many years before October 7, Chen is determined to rebuild her community there.

Memorial at the Nova Festival site/photo by Amy Olson

 One cannot read about October 7th without considering the depravity of the acts committed against the Israelis. First hand accounts of rape...both men and and dead, eye witness accounts of torture and mutilation, and the desecration of those already dead and NOT wonder if the those who did this are even human. 
With blasts from Gaza echoing in the background.....
The blasts echoing in the background are not new. Israelis have lived with that non-stop barrage since 2006. If you thought missiles were a recent incursion, guess again. Ask those who live near the border. Ask those who live along the coast. Ask those to whom Iron Dome explosions taking out missiles aimed at them is so common you sometimes don't notice until the sirens go off. 

No, this is not apologia for what is happening in Gaza, nor is it justification. It's simply recognition of the reality that Israel has been under attack since they PULLED OUT OF GAZA on September 22nd, 2005. No other nation would have tolerated those attacks for 19 years. 

Just so you know.

The Wifely Person's Tip o'the Week
Some of the cat lady memes are pretty good 
and offer constructive advice 


  1. Be careful.You are using names to identify the other people like Bedbug and Feckless; just as trump choses to call people by other names that aren't nice.

  2. Great meme for your Tip -- couldn't stop laughing...
    btw I'm a woman and, quite frankly, any woman with smarts leaves me quaking in my boxer briefs, but at least I don't attempt to marginalize her -- I glorify her!
