Monday, July 22, 2024

The Prosecutor versus Feckless Felon

Eric Lee/The NYTimes

That Joe Biden stepped aside should not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with his life in public service. Yes, he wanted to run; yes, I would've voted for him because I believe (and still do) that he could've done another term, and if not, he had a strong veep to take over; yes, his life of service to this country has been more honorable than most (how sad is that?) and devoted to the good of the many. Despite the lies spread like manure by the GOP, Biden has been good for the economy, good for the environment, and good for international diplomacy. I did not always agree with how he handled all things, but at least he did not offer to take any dictators to baseball games. In the end, there was no real way forward for this honorable man, and despite his initial reluctance, he did not dig in his heels; he stepped aside. He put the good and welfare of We, the People, and these here United States ahead of his self-interest. It was the right thing to do.

Affixing the mezuzah
Kamala Harris is not the perfect replacement candidate, and lots of people have doubts about her ability to win. She has more than her fair share of detractors. But she does have a number of factors in her favor. Being a woman of color (Indian mother and Jamaican father) is a plus. 
She grew up a Hindu, joined a Baptist church as an adult, and is married to a Jewish man who put a mezuzah on the doorpost of Blair House, the official vice-presidential residence. That Harris is the product of melting-potism is more reflective of who we are as a nation. Considering the GOP openly advocates for a "Christian" government, I'm more than okay with her multi-cultural background. In her career, she was a prosecutor and California Attorney General before she was a U.S. Senator. She brings depth of much needed legal and constitutional experience to the job. Of all the possible candidates for the Democrats to put forth, Harris has got to be the most terrifying for Feckless Felon. Her knowledge of criminal law alone should make his nuts shrink to the size of raisins at the mere thought of a debate. 

Charlottesville 2017
Evelyn Hockstein/
The Washington Post
Both the Black and the Hispanic voting communities are in play, especially Black women who command a significant voting bloc. You can absolutely count on subtle and not-so-subtle racist attacks lobbed at Harris. I'm sure her Hindu upbringing and Jewish husband will be targets. We, the People, are not as white as we once were. In fact, it's closer to half white, half people of one color or another. Interesting to note that people of Middle Eastern/ North African descent are counted as white but certainly aren't treated as white. Jews are usually counted as white, but we are not treated as white either. We definitely fall into the catch-pool of "OTHER," the ones they're worried about as their replacements. You remember Charlottesville, dontcha? While you may not have really thought about the voting blocs, they are a'changing. Which in its own perverse way, explains this push toward Christo-fascist alignment. 

*[NOTE:] In Yiddish, vantz  means bedbug. Basically, Vance and vantz are homophones. I'm sure the Maga devotees think a homophone is a smartphone with a rainbow...but it's not.
The Wifely Person's Tip o' the Week
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I got a terrific birthday present 
from "Aunty" Robin who ended up in the blog, 
and may end up in my new novel because I can.
Just a warning, people. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the JD Bedbug. Will be sharing it in the hopes that someone creates a Meme. And, I learned a new Yiddish word that I never heard growing up...vantz.
